The Holy Trinity Church

Biserica Sfânta Treime

COD LMI: AB-II-m-A-00117

Date(s) of Construction : 1795

Address: 43 Iasilor Street

The edifice was built in 1795 on the location of a former wooden church. It is the type of church which has a hall with a nave flanked to the East by a polygonal recessed apse and to the West by the bell tower which was added at a later date, at the beginning of the 19th century. The edifice was built with the contribution of the community in the time of protopope Nicolae Rațiu, the confessor of the 1784-1785 uprising martyrs. Furthermore, as a place of confession and elaboration of the testament of the above-mentioned upraising martyrs, the sanctuary earned a special historical signification for itself. The painting inside was made by painter Traian Achim in 1925-1926, under the guidance of master Costin Petrescu (he painted the Coronation Cathedral), but it was covered in 1922 when the church was repainted. A votive plaque was placed here in memory of martyrs Horea, Cloșca and Crișan, the texts containing the names of the locals fallen in the revolution of 1848-1849, those of the heroes of World War I and that of flag-bearer Ion Arion, shot at the Railway Station in Teiuș while he was heading towards Alba Iulia, to the Great Assembly taking place here on December 1, 1918 – it was in this very church where his funeral service also took place.